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自粘标签 自粘标签 自粘标签 自粘标签
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1. BOPP White Gloss
Usage Final usage: labels in food industry Film Width: 108 cm (2 x 20 cm, 2 x 26,6 cm, 1 x 16,6 cm) Roll length: 2000 m Quantity: approx. 5 t/month
Face Material Description: White polypropylene film with glossy print receptive top coating. Basis Weight: 57 g/m² ISO 536 Caliper: 60 μm ISO 534
ADHESIVE Rubber-resin hot-melt, permanent adhesive. Typical technical values: Initial tack: 14 N (FTM 9) FINAT FTM 9 glass Adhesion 180°:13 N/AT/PT (FTM 1) FINAT FTM 1 glass Application temp. min.: -5 °C Service temp.: -40 °C - +50 °C
SILICON RANGE Description: White, wood-free, transparent, glassine, backing paper. One side siliconised. Peeling: Standard Basis Weight (g/m2): 61 Caliper (μm): 52Tensile Strength MD (kN/m): ≥5,3 Tensile Strength CD (kN/m): ≥2,4

2. BOPP Silver
Usage Final usage: labels in food industry Film Width: 100 cm (20 cm) Roll length: 2000 m Quantity: approx. 2 t/month
Face Material Description: Silver polypropylene film with glossy print receptive top coating. Caliper: 50 μm
ADHESIVE Rubber-resin hot-melt, permanent adhesive. Typical technical values: Initial tack: 14 N (FTM 9) FINAT FTM 9 glass Adhesion 180°:13 N/AT/PT (FTM 1) FINAT FTM 1 glass Application temp. min.: -5 °C Service temp.: -40 °C - +50 °C
SILICON RANGE Description: White, wood-free, transparent, glassine, backing paper. One side siliconised. Peeling: Standard Basis Weight (g/m2): 61 Caliper (μm): 52Tensile Strength MD (kN/m): ≥5,3 Tensile Strength CD (kN/m): ≥2,4

3. Thermal Paper
Usage Final usage: labels in food industry Film Width: 100 cm (25 cm) Roll length: 2000 m Quantity: approx. 1 t/month
Face Material Description: White wood-free printing paper with thermal sensitive coating with standard sensitivity. Basis Weight: 72 g/m² ISO 536 Caliper: 73 μm ISO 534Tensile strength MD: ≥3,6 kN/m ISO 1924 Tensile strength CD: ≥1,6 kN/m ISO 1924 Whiteness: min.70% ISO 2470-1 Smoothness (Bekk): min. 200 sec ISO 5627 Imaging colour: Black
ADHESIVE Rubber-resin hot-melt, permanent adhesive. Typical technical values: Initial tack: 14 N (FTM 9) FINAT FTM 9 glass Adhesion 180°:13 N/AT/PT (FTM 1) FINAT FTM 1 glass Application temp. min.: -5 °C Service temp.: -40 °C - +50 °C
SILICON RANGE Description: Yellow, wood-free, transparent glassine, backing paper. One side siliconised. Peeling: Standard Basis Weight (g/m2): 61 Caliper (μm): 52Tensile Strength MD (kN/m): ≥5,3 Tensile Strength CD (kN/m): ≥2,4






buyer need inform us the size of label ( length and width) ,  horizontal direction distance? ,Longitudinal distance?

The angle of the labels required ? ( for example: by 80 degrees.)
Single Label roll size? 

Packing:  16rolls/cartons


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